Once upon a time, death and life made love. They gave life to a sexy zombie.
Like every other being, it needed love so it started looking for it. To show that love, the sexy zombie gave its special neck kisses that transformed anyone it has ever kissed to its equal.
Suddenly, there were too many and the humans were scared of them. After all, they fed on human brains. The mortals run after them with fire until they ended up in a place far, far away and deep down.
They were not to rise except on one night, Halloween.
It is said the 6 most sexiest of them are hiding right under the Live Cams Mansion's walls and we hear some roars. Does that mean they are preparing to rise? We are curious to find out.
Join us on 31st October at 4 PM EST and experience the entirely new dimension. But beware... You might get bitten ;)
We hope you are ready!
Happy Halloween!