Head up! We're in the process of streamlining your "My Account" experience. We've condensed a number of menu items and created tabbed pages to give you easy, clutter-free access to all of your important account info.
We’ve combined the Billing and Purchasing sidebar tabs into one section. Next we added tabs to your "Credit History" section for easier review of your particular areas of credit use.
Your "Email Settings" dropdown option has been relocated to fall beneath the main "Account Information" header in the sidebar. All of your options for subscriptions, promotional email blocking and online notification email settings are now available in tabs once you click this option in the sidebar.
All of your site program membership and subscription information has also been condensed into a single tabbed page under "Account Information". From there, you can use the tabs to manage your VIP membership status, Show Pass subscription, and Fan Club memberships.
We have also condensed your account security options into one tabbed page. Click on the "Account Security" option listed under "Account information" to update your location and language settings, set up 2-Factor Authentication, and monitor your recent login activity.
Finally, we've condensed the Flirt Rewards section by combining "Ways to Earn" and "Achievement Mission" into a tabbed "Earn Points" page under the "Flirt Rewards" sidebar header.
You will see more changes to "My Account" in future updates as we continue to make your on-site experience as user-friendly as possible! Of course, we want to hear from you! Please share your thoughts on these changes and make additional suggestions in this forum thread.
If you have any issues accessing your account info, please contact our 24/7 Customer Service Department.