Most recently, I encountered an issue with having a submitted review (submitted 11/23/2023) held up by the site and had to request some assistance with this from the "Support Staff". Upon investigation, the support staff-member, Richard, informed me that "It appears you have submitted multiple different reviews for the same model. We do our best to ensure users do not submit multiple reviews for the same model in order to reduce spamming the model review page."
To be fair, I have been a member for several years and I am guilty of submitting multiple reviews for a few "Favorites"... but in my defense, I have made a point of NOT posting a new review within 6 months of my previous review. And in this particular case, my most recent review for this model was February 14, 2023. I fully understand the site's desire to "reduce spamming" however, the model in question, when informed of this said: "Users should be able to give us reviews whenever they want."
In my opinion, this Policy needs to be fine tuned and clarified as to:
1) What constitutes (excessive) model reviews?
2) What period of time between reviews is "Acceptable" in the eyes of F4F Administration?
I encourage feedback from other members regarding this and look forward to clarification from the site.