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Hi, I am Johnny W. 24 Years. Bisex, Top boy, 21 cm of Cock. Great Smiley and Very friendly.
Aug 4th @ 6:31pm EDT
Remember Follow me on my Instagram:@Johncito_mpr
Jul 17th @ 12:04pm EDT
John P.
From this moment I will begin to be more present on this page, to be able to develop myself better and to have a better connection with each of you. I am very eager to increase my process here in F4F.
Jul 12th @ 12:37pm EDT
John P.
Hello, I was passing by to thank you for your time and your good disposition in my transmissions, I am happy to have each of you in my room.
Jul 2nd @ 9:44pm EDT
The 4th of July is approaching
Hola chicos y chica, paso aca para saludarles y comentarles que ya pude iniciar el dia de hoy con la decoracion para que podamos celebrar el 4 de Julio juntos, Estoy muy emocionado y me gustaria que todos me acompanaran ese dia para que celebremos de la mejor manera, les envio un gran abrazo, Atte: John.
Jun 28th @ 2:52pm EDT
I come back
I am glad to return to this space after a time spent with other occupations, very happy to see you again and talk to you, thank you always for sharing with me
May 21st @ 9:01pm EDT
My day
Today was an excellent day with a lot of learning. Every day I try to be the best mainly for myself and mine. I'm on my way and I'm not going to stop for anything.
Mar 13th @ 2:19pm EDT
Johnny Walls
Welcome to this space with me, I am 23 years old, I am Aries,I am a Venezuelan boy and I am currently living in Colombia.I love going out to eat, exercising and a good chat.I have a very morbid and mischievous mind.I love going out and seeing new places.This is a little bit about me, come into the room and let's have a connection so we can get to know each other better.
30crDisclaimer: This model charges 10ct per message
Eva SinLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et.
Johny123Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est.
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We’re excited to announce that our Direct Messages feature is getting an upgrade to version 2.0! This enhancement will bring new features to elevate your experience. To ensure a smooth transition, we’ll temporarily pause this feature starting on 9/23/2024. Thank you for your understanding - amazing upgrades are on the way! Stay tuned!
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